Season End

August 31, 2008


Overall great season this year. Picked 63lbs and 40hrs of work over 1 month time.

College Life, Work, Carpool, and $1

August 27, 2008

Looking for Car Pool to Ivy Tech Evenings M-Thurs!


Random Fact:
Mcdonald’s dollar menu items, Double Cheeseburger is cheapest @ approx. 1/5 cent per calorie!


I have no life outside of 40hr work, 4classes, homework, eat, sleep…


At 4H Fair, webcam picture.
Quick paint edit, will politicians ever learn not to do this gesture?
You are awarded one shrute buck and stanley nickel for reading this.

Tracking my Fuel Usage, Productivity Tax, College

August 2, 2008


Working full time and going to college, I am not spending any of my income currently… Savings = 56%.


<— My weekly schedule of doing stuff

"From each according to his ability to produce, to each according to need." Karl Marx

The only permanent CHANGE in American Politics will happen when more people take personal responsibility and realize they do not need big nanny government to improve their quality of life.

Racoon, 4H Fair, Demo Derby, Vista

July 28, 2008


Today I woke up, ran out into the garage in my robe and loafers at 12:30 am to find a racoon eating cat food! I grabbed a baseball bat nearby and tried smashing it. The hissing and likelyhood of rabies gave second thoughts. Racoon hid in rafters before I could get a gun. Set a trap and caught the filthy thief. After work I claimed a trophy like grendel’s claw.

PETA Disclaimer: It was already dead


Yes, the Racoon Tail is going on my 68′ Puch Allstate moped! What do you think??

Now that the Fair is over here are some pix…


Kiwanis Club has some of the most heavenly cheezburgah ever. I ate the one pounder w/cheese.

1. Maureen Mcfadden Live         2. Fair at Night                         3. Walgreens cards under 40, LOL…


1. Demo derby 7-26-08                            2. Zoom in, caption = "Some ppl call it a handicap"

VND – Cheezburger, Sirius XM Merged, Iraq Olympics

July 26, 2008

VND – Work, Firefox, Beijing Pollution, Wicca

July 22, 2008

VND – Zimmer, Headlines, Stuff

July 17, 2008


July 14, 2008


1. Sheeple flock to buy 1 million iPhones in 3 days, n00bs…

Yes, it will blend!

2. Comcast, you fail. FCC Punishment

3. I promise to refrain from any McCain/Obama news until election                                    But had to pass this on….

4. World Economy Visuals

5. Common Food Safety Misconceptions

VND – Banks, Supreme Court, Pope, Zimbabwe, Salmonella

July 13, 2008

VND – FISA, Petraeus, Value of Life, Cheap & Healthy Foods

July 10, 2008


1. Senators’ vote on FISA Bill

"The Senate passed the FISA bill today, which effectively puts an end to any chance of legal repercussions for telcos who helped the government spy on citizens. Senator Obama voted for it, Senator McCain didn’t vote, and Senator Clinton, for what it’s worth, voted against it."

Source: Consumerist

Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Lugar (R-IN), Yea

2. General David Petraeus confirmed in Senate as top Middle east Commander

3. US govt. lowers value of American life


Translation: You are not a sovereign individual, but private property of the govt.

4. Govt. sponsored banks Freddie Mac and Fannie May on brink of collapse

Bear Sterns epic cannot fail edition…

5. Top 20 Healthy Foods for under $1